
- Seatbelts mandatory across Canada.
- Must be 19 years of age to purchase alcohol in Saskatchewan.
- 13 ports of entry from U.S. Hours of operation subject to change, call Canada Customs toll free in Canada at 1-800-461-9999, or 204-983-3500 outside of Canada.
- Canada is on the metric system: 100 kilometres per hour = 62.5 mph; 1 kilogram = 1,000 grams = 2.2 lbs. Gasoline (and many other liquid products) sold in litres - 3.8 litres = 1 U.S. gallon.
- Vehicle insurance compulsory - visiting motorists expected to produce evidence of financial responsibility if involved in an accident.
- Temperature measured in degrees Celsius. Fahrenheit = (9/5 X Celsius) + 32.
- Provincial Sales Tax (PST) is 5% and the federal goods and service tax (GST) is an additional 5%.
- Driving times: Regina to Saskatoon = 2.5 hours; Saskatoon to Prince Albert = 1.5 hours; Regina to Moose Jaw = 1 hour; Regina to Prince Albert = 4 hours; Saskatoon to Swift Current = 3 hours.
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