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Snowmobiling is an exciting and invigorating way to enjoy Saskatchewan's natural wonders in wintertime.
- courtesy SnoCruise Saskatoon
There are hundreds of kilometres of groomed trails passing through fields, forests and valleys and over frozen lakes. And with many resort operators now offering snowmobiling packages, the opportunities have never been greater.

For $350 per person ($240 U.S.), a party of four can rent a modern, two-bedroom cottage at Turtle Lake Lodge for three days and three nights.

Included in the deal is use of a heated ice-fishing hut and nearby access to 240 kms of groomed and signed snowmobile trails. Guests bring their own snowmobiles.

Resort co-owner Leslie Clark says she tailors her winter packages to suit families.

"It's the one thing you can do as a family during a long winter, other than sit on a beach in Mexico,'' says Clark. "I've done both, and I'd much rather come to the lake. It's just so peaceful.''

Other packages include the provision of snowmobiles and gear. For as low as $335 (Cdn) per person, a party of four can rent a modern, two-bedroom cabin in northern Saskatchewan for three nights. Included in this package from SnoCruise, out of Saskatoon, are two snowmobiles plus gear and three meals per day. The snowmobiles are picked up in Saskatoon and hauled by trailer to the destination.

Packages can be tailored to suit the needs of the party and guides are usually available for an additional fee. Here are some of the Saskatchewan operators offering packages tailored to snowmobilers:

Turtle Lake Lodge, Box 190, Livelong, SK., S0M 1J0 Phone or fax: (306) 845-2555.

SnoCruise Guided Tours & Rentals, Box 25043 RPO R1, Saskatoon, SK., S7K 8B7 Phone: (306) 242-6716.

Dahl Creek Outfitting, Box 645, Hudson Bay, SK., S0E 0Y0 Phone: (306) 865-2097; Fax: (306) 865-2077.

Darsana Lodge, Box 119, Beauval, SK., S0M 0G0 Phone: (306) 288-4422; Fax: (306) 288-4422.

Hawkrock Outfitters, Box 306, Porcupine Plain, SK., S0E 1H0 Phone: (306) 278-3351; Fax: (306) 278-3351.

Jackfish Lodge Golf and Convention Center, Box 10, Cochin, SK., S0M 0L0 Phone: (306) 386-2800; Fax: (306) 386-2840.

Torch Valley Country Retreats, Box 100, White Fox, SK., S0J 3B0 Phone: (306) 278-2567; Fax: (306) 278-2546.

Vintage Country Vacations, Box 53,7 Norquay, SK., S0A 2V0 Phone: (306) 594-2629; Fax: (306) 594-2629.

For more information on snowmobiling in Saskatchewan, including the cost of applicable permits, contact Saskatchewan Snowmobile Association, 533 - 166 Centre St., Regina Beach, SK., S0G 4C0. Toll Free: 1-800-499-7533; Fax: (306) 729-3500.

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