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  Southeast Region

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[Updated 2012]

Sunny days, and plenty of them.

Saskatchewan’s Southeast Region is home to Canada’s sunshine capital (Estevan - pop. 10,965), which averages nearly seven hours of sunshine each and every day. There’s nothing like sunshine to make a good vacation great!

You’ll be sure to get a charge out of a visit to the Shand Greenhouse at the Shand Power Station just east of Estevan (200 km southeast of Regina), where you will see how the power station utilizes the byproducts of power generation to grow many varieties of tree seedlings.

Kenosee LakeFor beautiful scenery in a natural environment, The Qu’Appelle Valley and her three main lakes (Echo, Pasqua and Katepwa) offer a recreational buffet of outdoor activities.

The same is true of Moose Mountain Provincial Park (200 km southeast of Regina) and Kenosee Lake. For attractions of a more historical nature, check out Cannington Manor Provincial Historic Park (225 km southeast of Regina) for a glimpse of how English settlers tried to recreate their Victorian lifestyle on the Canadian prairie.

Travel into the past and see what farm life in Saskatchewan was like at the turn of the century by visiting the Motherwell Homestead National Historic Site (100 km northeast of Regina).

And no visit to Saskatchewan would be complete without experiencing a colorful celebration of our Aboriginal heritage at an Indian Powwow. One of the finest occurs each August at the Piapot Reserve (45 km north of Regina, 306-781-4848).

For a vacation that’s sure to leave you with a sunny disposition, Saskatchewan’s Southeast Region is the place to go.

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