Virtual Saskatchewan On-line Magazine has a strict privacy policy and we feel strongly about it. The bottom line is this: We will not sell or distribute any personal information about you to any group, organization or individual.
Virtual Saskatchewan occasionally requests such information from readers (name, postal address, e-mail address, age, etc.) participating in optional on-line surveys, contests or forums. We may use this information to better determine who is reading our magazine and how we might improve our offerings.
We also employ "cookie" technology, which logs IP addresses, or computer location addresses, in order to determine how many people are visiting, and re-visiting, our site.
The data we collect from cookies and IP addresses give us demographic information about Virtual Saskatchewan's readership. We may share this information, in aggregate, to help advertisers determine whether our readers are among their intended audience. Again, we do not share personal data.
Even though your information is protected, you may wish to opt-out from receiving cookies all together. They can be blocked on your computer by un-checking the "accept cookies" option in your web browser. You'll find this under the options menu on your browser.
If you have questions or concerns about our privacy policy, we encourage you to pass them along. E-mail us by clicking the "comment" button below. Thank you.
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