@sk Dave is a free and completely independent email service aimed at helping Virtual Saskatchewan visitors find Saskatchewan accommodations that suit their vacation needs. Tell me what you are looking for and I'll use my knowledge and contacts to recommend a spot or two. And then it's up to you to make the arrangements. And please note this is strictly an email service.
If you visit one of the places that I suggest, I ask that you send me a short email — just a sentence or two — telling me why you found it favourable (or unfavourable, if that was your experience). Enlist me for assistance only if you agree to this. Again, if you're not willing to send me your comments, please do not ask for my assistance.
The information you give me will be used only to help me recommend appropriate accommodations for others. Your identity will not be revealed to anyone.
Note that popular summer resorts book early, some a year in advance. Also note there are no cabin-rental resorts at Greig or Kimball lakes, in Meadow Lake Provincial Park. So, go ahead and @sk Dave.
(Want to know more about me and this service? Click here).
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